Hi there, I'm

Melvin Kosisochukwu

A Software Enginner

Hire me lets build an online presence for your dreams and business


I am a Full-Stack/Front-End web. I enjoy programming and building beautiful things, using the following Web technologies Bootstrap, jQuery, Vanilla.js, Node.js, MongoDB, CSS(+Sass), Ejs template, Es6+;


WEB Music Player

A personalized web mp3 player made with purely vanilla Javascript, HTML5 and CSS


HUGOfx is a template site built using bootstrap and datatable.js for creating dynamic editable tables

Sync Blog

Sync blog is a project created in my quest to learn and be well versed with backend development and APIs. It is a dynamic Multipage Web application built with node.js and MongoDB to persist data.
#ejs #node.js #mongoDB #express #mongoose


Every buisness nneds a visually enticing landing page, that is what Agrow Farm serves as. This is a template/mock-up for an agricultural buisness landing page.


A landing page for tesla Tesla-Cybertruck

Guide Mountaineer

Guide mountaineer is a full page desktop site made without any additional frame works.

Simple Multiplier

Simple multiplier incoporates Javascript DOM and event listeners to get values from the user and perform arithemetic operation based on the values keyed in by the user.


Meetz is a project used to practice responsive double column webpage. It employs the use of flextbpx and bootsrap for navigation bar