About Me

It Works !!
I started my programming journey in 2018 but before then i have dabbled a little and ended up pulling back. Programming is exactly what you think it is... writing beautiful codes that work and trying to get rid of as much bugs as possible while being powered by coffee. That is not exactly why i want to be a Software Enginneer/developer, the real reason why i love what i do is because of those little moments when you solve a problem or learn something new amid a project. The joy and trophy of every programmer is writing a code and it works! you feel this indescribable happiness in you, if you have ever built anything, no matter how small you probably understand what i mean. Those moments are what always motivate me and keep me going. The dream is to be a fullstack Javascript Developer and have as much fun as possible while learning the necessary skills needed to get to the milestones set before me. Aside from writing beautiful codes i also enjoy meeting new people, sharing ideas, playing video games and watching movies.

Skill Set






